Money Streaming dApps
Money Streaming dApps

Money Streaming dApps

Register to Attend

Create money streaming applications using Superfluid’s infrastructure on Celo

The deadline to register and submit your project is on July 31st at 11:59 pm PST

Superfluid is a revolutionary asset streaming protocol that brings subscriptions, salaries, vesting, and rewards to DAOs and crypto-native businesses worldwide.

Presented by:


A monthly virtual hackathon that invites developers around the globe to design and build an idea for all. Every month comes with a new challenge, use these challenges as an opportunity to iterate and improve on your idea or to bring a new idea to reality.

🏆🏆🏆 10K in prizes up for grabs




Superfluid is a smart contract framework that adds new ways to move digital value to the traditional ERC20 token standard we know and love.

Superfluid consists of 4 main components: Super Tokens, Super Agreements, Super Apps, and the Superfluid Host. Read this overview to understand the "what" and the "how" behind these components and how they interrelate.

What can you build with Superfluid?

Here are a few examples of what you can build for this hackathon:

Celo Money Streaming Mobile Applications 📱

Celo is a mobile-first and EVM-compatible blockchain ecosystem. It would be really cool to see the use of Superfluid Protocol on Celo Mainnet in a mobile application - we have yet to see a good implementation of money streaming on a mobile interface.

Fixed-Interest NFT Lending 🏦

We would like to see this idea implemented in a very simple fashion

Create a smart contract that lets you put down an NFT as collateral and borrow stablecoins against it.

The borrow function pulls a stream from you using ACL to pay interest on your loan. So if you took out a 100 DAI loan and the APR is 10%, then a stream of 10 DAI/year would be started from your account to the NFT Lending contract.

Say you repay half of your loan (so now just 50 DAI outstanding), then the repayment transaction would update your stream down to 5 DAI/year. And if you fully repay, your payment stream would be cancelled.

If you cancel your stream to the NFT Lending contract, then no mercy! You’re liquidated.

API Subscription Market Place 🧑‍💻

Allow API offerers to sell access to their APIs via streams on Celo in a marketplace. This could make use of Superfluid Subscriptions for a better UX.

Stream Public Goods/Grants Funding🗳️

This project would revolve around creating a platform where individuals/initiatives looking for funding could create a profile. Donors could scroll through profiles and provide recurring funding through a Superfluid stream on Celo. This could make use of Superfluid Subscriptions for a better UX.

You could make the experience more involved by creating a stream donation management Super App smart contract that reacts to when someone starts a donation stream by minting them a nice NFT for their benevolence 🤗

Make a Stream-Gated Telegram Channel💬

With this project, you’d be able to only get access to a channel if you are streaming to a certain address. A hack to accomplish this is to make a “token” contract whose balanceOf function is overriden to return 1 if you’re streaming to the address or a 0 if you’re not. Then you could use basic tools like Unlock Protocol or to do token-based gating.

This could make use of Superfluid Subscriptions for a better UX.

The inspiration for this concept comes from @rashtrakoff’s stream-gated publications (see here and here)

Stream UBI 🤝

Use Celo, Superfluid, and GoodDollar to stream UBI (Universal Basic Income) following a particular set of rules, requirements, or behaviors.

Stable Asset Applications 💸

Use Celo's native stable assets: cUSD, cEUR, and cReal, to stream stable assets for particular use cases, such as payroll applications, tipping, and DeFi in general.

Tokenized Carbon Applications 🌱

Create climate-positive applications using Toucan Protocol's infrastructure on Celo and Superfluid.


1st Prize


$2,500 cUSD

Third Prize


$1,500 cUSD

Best GoodDollar Project


$1,500 cUSD

2nd Prize


$2,000 cUSD

Best Superfluid Checkout Project


$1,500 cUSD

Pool Prize


$1,000 cUSD split among project finalists

Event Flow

Milestone or Event
Registration Opens
Office Hours on the Celo Discord
07.11.2023 at 7:30am PST / 4:30pm CET / 8:00pm IST
Technical Workshop
07.14.2023 at 7am PST / 4pm CET / 7:30pm IST
Office Hours on the Celo Discord
07.11.2023 at 7:30am PST / 4:30pm CET / 8:00pm IST
Office Hours on the Celo Discord
07.11.2023 at 7:30am PST / 4:30pm CET / 8:00pm IST
Submission Due Date
07.31.2023 at 11:59pm PST / 08.01.2023 at 8:59pm CET / 08.01.2023 at 12:29pm IST
Project Judging
08.01.2023 to 08.04.2023
Winners are announced

Judging Criteria

Projects will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Quality of idea: How original and creative is your idea
  • Impact: What is the potential value for users
  • Quality of the product: Quality of code and quality of UX/UI
  • Use of featured technology: Is your project using the featured technology? Quality of implementation

Upcoming Hackathons

B_WC is a series of monthly hackathons. Every month, the theme of the hackathon changes. Register to participate and get updates on all upcoming hackathons.

Upcoming Hackathons

Previous Hackathons



Yao Chen


Yao is an Ecosystem Manager at Superfluid


Daniel Olarte

Celo Foundation

Daniel is a community designer, architect and technologist. He is a partner at the Celo Foundation working on community development programs.


Sunny Jesudason


Sunny is a DevRel Engineer from Superfluid


Anna Alexa

Celo Foundation

Anna is a community lead on the Developer Relations team at the Celo Foundation. Prior to joining the Foundation, Anna led community growth at the Maker Foundation and has played an active role in the transition to MakerDAO. She's part of Meta Gamma Delta, Kernel, and Crypto Nomads Club, and is very happy living out of a suitcase if it means traveling the world and meeting community IRL.


Eric Nakagawa

Celo Foundation

Eric has a background building consumer mobile and web products. He looks for clean user experienced optimized for simplicity and user experience.

Are you a serial hackathon developer?